
Thge Black Panther Party and Socialism

The BPP was not communist. They were a Revolutionary Black Nationalist Organization that held similar views as Malcolm X. They flirted with ideas associated with socialism, but in practice was really Revolutionary Nationalist. Stokely Carmichael ( Kwame Ture) joined the party for a brief period and then left because he did not agree with the party's concentration on forming alliances with what we called White Mother Country Radicals. He later decided to focus all of his efforts on uniting all of Africa. "For the final 30 years of his life, Kwame Ture was devoted to the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP). His mentors, Sékou Touré and Kwame Nkrumah had many ideas for unifying the African continent, and Ture extended the scope of these ideas to the entire African diaspora. He was a Central Committee member during his association with the A-APRP and made many speeches on the party's behalf." He embraced what he called Nkrumahism which is defined as "the ideology of a New Africa, independent and absolutely free from imperialism, organized on a continental scale, founded upon the conception of one and united Africa, drawing its strength from modern science and technology and from the traditional African belief that the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." And further: "a socialist society in which a new harmony, a new cohesiveness, a new Revolutionary African Personality, a new humanity, and a new dignity is forged out of the traditional African way of life which has been permanently changed by thousands of years of Euro ... Inclosing, the BPP did embrace some of Toure's socialist ideals, but was in practice a Revolutionary Nationalist organization.

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